Formula 1

Ever since I read about the rivalry of Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost in the Reader’s Digest in pre-TV India I was fascinated by formula 1. I was a fan of Schumacher from 1993 when he came second in the German grand prix and I’ve managed to keep track of the world championships since.

The recent events have made the whole soap opera a bit sour but being the cynical person that I am I wasn’t entirely surprised. Continue reading “Formula 1”

A sign of hope

I thought Kim Clijsters winning the US Open was a real sign of hope. A lot of mothers end up with lower end jobs just on account of being mothers. They either lose their jobs on becoming pregnant or lose positions within companies and in some cases woman aren’t hired because they might become pregnant. Worst of all…

I thought Kim Clijsters winning the US Open was a real sign of hope. A lot of mothers end up with lower end jobs just on account of being mothers. They either lose their jobs on becoming pregnant or lose positions within companies and in some cases women aren’t hired because they might become pregnant. Worst of all if you’re a  mother there seems to be Continue reading “A sign of hope”

Olympic Spirit

I felt reading about the ‘adjustments’ that happened and the astounding opening ceremony for the Olympics in China. First it was that some part of the fireworks were animated for the folks to look at in the screen. And secondly more jarringly the pretty girl who sang was the same pretty girl who didn’t really sing.

The reaction to this has been relatively muted. For example see this

There is an interesting comment in there how Chinese culture would like to present what looks best rather than the true thing.

I think this is true across the world.

The image has completely taken over.

Truth is sacrificed for honour.

an eye for an eye and a butt for a jibe

I am disappointed with Zidane. Not because he slammed into that racist Materazzi. It’s the silly convoluted reasoning of the event that he or his publicity stooges are giving that gets me.

Sorry to all the kids and sorry to everyone else but hey I had to do what I had to do. Sorry but I don’t regret it. If didn’t butt him then his insult would’ve been true. EY!!???

Do one or the other great man. Either say sorry or don’t. Don’t try both. You’ve now given every kid the right to hit somebody because he calls you a !@#$#@.

The whole question of justice is thrown up here. If someone’s insult is met with physical violence then is that crude justice? Some would say yes because racists deserve it. But this crude justice is just an example of the continual cycle of vengeance that keeps violence and suffering alive and well in Ireland, Sri Lanka, Iraq… the list is endless.

Which is why the seemingly bizarre, ‘eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’ is actually a better form of justice than that which Zidane demonstrated for us.

I would rather he laughed and went on to score a marvellous ‘zizou’ goal. It’s what my hero would’ve done.