Trying again

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything longer than a sentence anywhere. I’m going to try and be a bit more intentional about putting down some thoughts. Previously I think I was mostly writing to an imagined (adoring) audience. This time I hope I’m going to write for slightly more mature reasons. Firstly, to improve my own writing and thinking. As I’ve discovered from doing the PhD, writing reveals to me my own thought. It talks back to me. I also need to write to better articulate my academic credentials with the possibility that it might be of interest to someone else.

I’m also going to write with a bit more of focus rather than my previous scattergun approach of puns, rants and musings. I hope the focus to be about the interactions between sound and theology. In many senses this interaction is one that requires a lot exploration. And further, there is a lot of convincing left to do with regards to the importance of this exploration. So the following posts will be a mixture of polemics and apologetics for sound along with observations of resonances and features of sound in theology with particular attention given to the bible.

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